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Psi Beta’s 2019-2020 National Research Project

NEW! (March 9, 2020): Data and support files are now available for downloading and analyses. Please look immediately below for the download links.

BACKGROUND ? This research project supports the research component of Psi Beta’s mission:?Professional development of students through engagement in research. This year’s topic is interpersonal communication and several measures of workplace skills self-efficacy.

Overview of Topic ? This study focuses primarily on aspects of interpersonal communication.
Interpersonal communication competence is important for interacting with others at social gatherings and business networking events. It is the first step in making acquaintances and forming friendships. Employers expect college graduates, especially those holding a bachelor’s degree in psychology, to interact well with others in a variety of settings. APA’s Guidelines specify the ability to interact effectively with others (Outcome 4.3). Moreover, the APA’s Skillful Psychology Student includes employers’ expectations that psychology graduates will have strong active listening and conversational abilities in both informal and professional environments. Interpersonal communication consists of a set of smaller skills, some of which are being measured in this study (e.g., initiation, self-disclosure, empathy, social relaxation, alter-centrism, and interaction management, and conversational self-efficacy).
In addition to interpersonal communication, this study also includes measures of four employable skills: communication (writing, speaking, reading, listening), analytic inquiry (research, information literacy), collaboration (working in groups, leadership), and professional development (self-management, technology).


Hypotheses ? there are many possible hypotheses that can be tested. Below are just a few examples:


Institutional Review Board


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