
[Psi Beta+]

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How to become an Advisor

If you are interested in becoming a chapter advisor of an existing Psi Beta chapter at your college, please click here to contact Todd Joesph, Executive Director, to request an advisor account, username and password. Chapter advisors must have an account in order to register new student members of Psi Beta, update contact records, and access other password-protected information. If your college does not have a Psi Beta chapter, see information on Starting a New Chapter.

Benefits of Becoming a Psi Beta Faculty Advisor

Much has been said and written about students’ benefits through membership in Psi Beta. Less has been said or written about the faculty advisors of Psi Beta. Two-year college teachers have plenty to keep them busy. Teaching a full slate of classes, serving on various committees, and maintaining office hours provides a sufficiently busy schedule. Club and honor society advising is a completely voluntary activity; there is no financial compensation and such work falls outside of the teacher’s contractual obligations. And most, if not all, Psi Beta advisors have experienced the frustrations of red tape and bureaucratic procedures encountered while trying to help their students put together a fundraiser, conduct a service project, or do some other worthwhile activity. Regardless of the number of students eligible for Psi Beta at a college, there will be no chapter if no one comes forward to be an advisor. Obviously, chapter advisors are Psi Beta’s lifeblood. There are now more than 150 Psi Beta chapters at the nation’s 1,086 two-year colleges.

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