
[画像+] タナカ マサアツ
田 中 正 敦 助教(有期)(自然科学)

1.“Molecular evidence for the existence of five cryptic species within the Japanese species of Marphysa (Annelida: Eunicidae) known as “Iwa-mushi””(共著) Plankton and Benthos Research Vol. 14, 2019
2.“Ikedosoma (Annelida: Echiura: Thalassematidae) from the tropical Pacific, with description of a new species”(単著) Species Diversity Vol. 24, 2019
3.『奄美群島の水生生物―山から海へ 生き物たちの繋がり―』(共著,3-3-5:執筆担当)南方新社,2019年
4.『岡山県野生生物目録2019 ver.1.0』(共著,「環形動物門(ホシムシ・ユムシ類含む)」:執筆担当)岡山県環境文化部自然環境課,2019年
6.“Rullierinereis imajimai nom. nov., a replacement name for R. profunda Imajima, 2009, secondary homonym to R. profunda (Hartman, 1965), formerly Namalycastis profundus”(共著) Zootaxa Vol. 4341, 2017
7.“First record of Perinereis suluana (Annelida, Nereididae) from Oura Bay, Okinawa Island, Japan”(単著) Fauna Ryukyuana Vol. 29, 2017
9.“Unraveling a 70-year-old taxonomic puzzle: redefining the genus Ikedosoma (Annelida: Echiura) on the basis of morphological and molecular analyses”(共著) Zoological Science Vol. 31, 2014
10.“A new species of the genus Arhynchite (Annelida: Echiura) from sandy flats of Japan, previously referred to as Thalassema owstoni Ikeda, 1904”(共著) Zookeys Vol. 312, 2013

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