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What is it?

KRSVP is a Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP), or textual reading enhancement, application for KDE.
In RSVP, text is displayed word by word in the center of the textarea at an adjustable speed and the reader watches the words, just like watching a movie. This technique partially solves some problems that slow you down in normal reading, including obviating the need to scoll and search for the next words, preventing the reader from re-reading previously read text passages, preventing pronunciation of words by the reader. This might result in a much higher reading speed and comprehension.


6/07/2003 Some minor feature enhancements in Version 0.2: krsvp-0.2.tar.gz
6/01/2003 Initial public release. :) Go get it: krsvp-0.1.tar.gz
5/25/2003 I've made an experimental gentoo live CVS ebuild to easily install kRSVP from CVS. For those who are interested in it: krsvp-cvs-0.1.tar.gz (565 bytes)


Please go to the Project Filelist at Sourceforge.


[thumbnail of 0.1-mainwindow.png+]
0.1-mainwindow.png (29K)
[thumbnail of 0.1-bookmarks.png+]
0.1-bookmarks.png (79K)


If you have any suggestions or wishes please contact me: Sandro Giessl <ceebx at users.sourceforge.net>
Last update: Monday 07 June 2003

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